Sociocultural Projects

Invited to give seminar paper “Jambeli Athon - The totem of the Karbi People, interaction of creativity from different cultures and social structures.“ at The International meeting of Indigenous and Analogous Peoples , Bhopal, India 1993

Invited to give seminar paper " Aesthetics across boarders", an international conference; "Ethnic" Art in the Multicultural World, Oslo 1994

"Member of organising committee for "Indigenous Peoples Week 97", Oslo 1997. Production of an exhibition of information at The Ethnografic Museum (now Museum of Cultural History), University of Oslo

Radioprogram “ Å male fra ei anna virkelighet” Intervjuer tatt opp i India 1988 , 27’ 55’ Sendt i NRK, P2 i 1988/ Radioprogram "Painting in another reality". Interviews recorded in India and broadcasted by the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation in 1988

Produced the Exhibition “ In The Shadows of The Rain Forest/ I regnskogens skygger” with collection of items, text and photo. A travelling exhibition about the Karbi-People in North -East India.The exhibition project was sponsored by NORAD in 1994. The exhibited items are now in the Collection of The Museum of Cultural History, University of Oslo.

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